Agreement Not Enforceable by Law

An agreement not enforceable by law refers to a contract or agreement that cannot be upheld or enforced in a court of law. This may be due to various reasons, such as a lack of legal standing, absence of consideration, or violation of public policy. Such agreements are considered null and void, and any intended actions under such agreements are invalidated.

Legal Standing

For an agreement to be enforceable by law, it must have legal standing. This means that all parties involved must have the capacity and authority to enter into an agreement. For instance, minors, intoxicated individuals, and mentally incapacitated individuals cannot enter into binding contracts. Similarly, agreements made under duress or coercion are also not enforceable.

Absence of Consideration

Consideration refers to the value each party receives under an agreement. For instance, if you agree to sell your car to someone for $10,000, the consideration you receive is the money, and the consideration the buyer receives is the car. In some cases, an agreement may lack consideration, meaning that one party is not receiving anything of value. Such agreements are not enforceable because they are one-sided and do not benefit both parties.

Violation of Public Policy

Agreements may also be unenforceable if they violate public policy. This means that agreements that are detrimental to society or against the law will not be upheld. For example, agreements that promote illegal activities, discrimination, or fraud are not enforceable.

In conclusion, an agreement not enforceable by law is one that is deemed invalid for various reasons such as lack of legal standing, absence of consideration, or violation of public policy. It is essential to understand the legal implications of any agreement before signing it to ensure it is enforceable by law. As a professional, it is essential to use these keywords appropriately in articles to improve their search engine optimization.